A Photographer’s Diary, Civic Duties

I suddenly had a wonderful rocket of inspiration this week as I was thinking about locations for Healing with Photography courses. Why not use civic and town halls?

So this week I have been busily setting up appointments and viewing the facilities in my local towns. The great thing about them is if you are looking for a location to do seminars or courses for your business, they are all fully set up with facilities.

A Step Back in Time

Given that this week winter has returned once more, it made me think about those important things like making sure heaters are working in the rooms I will be hiring. The rooms usually come with kitchens of some description nearby or attached, meaning you can have tea and coffee available to your participants, and of course there are clean toilets available. The majority have the all-important car park or are on bus routes. For sure, they aren’t completely set up in a business way in terms of projectors and screens, yet what they lack they can make up for in many other ways.

I am finding to my surprise that these venues are incredibly reasonable to hire. In fact, I visited one in a very well to do town where property prices are high and the town itself is full of boutiques, only to be given the lowest quotes I’ve had. And given this in the best equipped and located building that I’ve seen I was extremely impressed.

These places might not have shag pile carpet on the floor and be as luxurious as a hotel conference room, however, they give me what I require; a lovely room that isn’t in an intimidating building, where I can gather a group of around 20 or more people together for my courses.

The style of room is very important to me; it does have to have a very light feel both in energy and natural daylight. It has to be somewhere reasonably quiet so meditations can be done without too much outside interference and there have to be comfortable chairs for people to sit on throughout the session.

So if you are looking for a venue for a course you are running, remember to look up your local civic hall, it could be just the ticket for you too!

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