Marketing Campaigns for Photographers – Christmas

What! I hear you say….. Christmas…. It’s still August!

Well I was just thinking the same thing this week but then this happened……

My wife and I went out for a meal and got handed a early booking form for December ‘events’ and then today I received an email promoting a Christmas variety show.

This got me thinking…..

  1. Do I have all of my Christmas promotions ready?
  2. Do I know exactly when I am going to launch them?
  3. Do I need to order any extra products or promotional materials?
  4. Do I know my suppliers delivery cut off dates?
  5. Do I have a ‘bad weather’ (snowed in) backup plan?

As my new year’s resolution this year was NOT to be doing deliveries on Christmas eve (like the last two years) you’d better believe that the answer to those questions is

  1. Yes
  2. Yes
  3. Maybe
  4. I’m making an educated guess based on last year
  5. Ooooooh yes.

So let this be an early warning to you all.

Time is running out to plan your marketing for the build up to Christmas so get onto it now if you haven’t already!

And while you’re at it……..have you finalised your 2012 pricing yet?

*The Current Photographer website contains links to our affiliate partners. Purchasing products and services through these links helps support our efforts to bring you the quality information you love and there’s no additional cost to you.


  1. I did enjoy, and thanks for getting my gears turning. This will be my first year at attempting the Christmas theme 😀