10 Quick Ways to Increase Your Wedding Revenue

Ah wedding photography! A goldmine or business land mine?

However you feel it’s going with your wedding photography business the chances are it could be doing a little better……. am I wrong? Here are 10 quick ways you can increase your wedding revenue.

  1. Work out your value and charge day rate for your time……nothing else….. just your time… everything else comes later!
  2. Make sure you’re product costs are not higher than 20%
  3. If you must offer ‘shoot to burn’ then why not consider per image pricing.
  4. Sell storybooks using per page pricing.
  5. Pre-design (or get someone to do it for you) pages of your clients storybook. Let them eliminate the pages they don’t want….. it’s the opposite of up-selling!
  6. Don’t worry about offering packages but instead introduce a minimum product credit spend to be paid upfront.
  7. Offer pages of your Storybook on the couple’s gift list.
  8. Sell Mini books instead of single prints to guests.
  9. Do viewing in person not online
  10. Incentivize everything

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