Nik Software's New Commitment to Reduce its Carbon Footprint

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April 23, 2010


Nik Software Celebrates Earth Day 2010 with New Commitment to Reduce its Carbon Footprint
“See Green” initiative encourages electronic software downloads, plants trees in rainforest, and commits to green manufacturing

San Diego, CA (April 22, 2010) — Nik Software announces today the launch of its new “See Green” initiative (, a commitment by the company to conduct business and manufacturing operations in a manner that reduces its carbon footprint, as well as encouraging customers to download software electronically.

“Through our ‘See Green’ initiative, we are declaring our commitment to becoming a more environmentally conscious company by actively helping to clean our environment now for future generations, and reducing the impact our products and corporate footprint have on the Earth,” said Michael Slater, president and CEO of Nik Software. “Our goals are to always consider the environment when making business decisions, encourage and make it easier for our customers to be ‘green’ and align ourselves with business partners who share our focus.”

Environmental impact is already a key consideration in decisions Nik Software makes in its offices in the United States and Germany. To date, Nik Software has improved the energy efficiency in its office buildings, instituted mandatory recycling programs, invested in video-conferencing systems and online training facilities to limit business travel, and reduced the packaging for all boxed products. The company has also created electronic and video-based product documentation and continuously encourages all employees to utilize electronic documents to avoid unnecessary printing of documents.

Future company initiatives include the use of recyclable packaging and post consumer waste recyclable paper in its marketing materials, adding electronic delivery of products for the reseller channel, and annual measurement of its worldwide carbon footprint – aiming for a yearly reduction of 10%.

In addition, Nik Software encourages its customers to join in and reduce their environmental impact by choosing the ‘electronic download’ delivery option when purchasing any software product. When a Nik Software product is downloaded over the Internet, customers avoid shipping charges which saves them money and reduces the environmental impact that occurs throughout the shipping process. By electing to receive their products electronically, Nik customers get their software right away and automatically register the product. Product activation keys are securely saved online so customers can retrieve them anytime.

For those customers who prefer receiving boxed products, Nik Software will contribute to The Nature Conservancy’s “Plant a Billion Trees” campaign. This campaign plants trees to help restore the Atlantic Rainforest in coastal Brazil. For every product shipped from Nik Software, the company will donate funds to assist The Nature Conservancy in their efforts to restore this forest and help heal the Earth.

About Nik Software
Nik Software, Inc. is a privately held company that develops software solutions and provides award-winning educational programs for the digital imaging and photography markets. Established in 1995, Nik Software has become the recognized leader in digital photographic filter development and produces award-winning technology and software products for digital photography and imaging professionals including U Point® technology (, Dfine®, Viveza®, Color Efex ProTM, Silver Efex ProTM, and Sharpener ProTM software. For more information visit .

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