Starting a Photography Business: Part 14 – Remember the Wins

With the end of the year fast approaching I took some time on the winter solstice to sit down and think about how the year has been for me professionally and personally.  I quite like taking time to assess the year rather than just rolling straight into the next one without thinking and feeling grateful for the achievements of the one I’m moving on from.

As well as looking back at what’s gone it’s also an exercise in looking to the future and setting some goals for what I’d like to achieve next year; not necessarily huge goals there were both personal and professional, big and small on the list for me.

I find doing this helps to bring positive energy to the end of the year and take it with you into the new one.  It’s good to have this clearing period and to remind yourself just how much good has happened in your life, all the things you cherish and all the things big and small that you achieved, learnt and had fun doing.

This year I used a list of questions to review the year from the blog of business coach Jack Canfield, they cover many different areas of business and personal life without making it heavy, I found a quiet place and sat down and started writing by the end of it I was in a place of happiness and gratitude for all the good things that I have experienced this year, all the hunches I followed that came up trumps and I am now looking forward to ushering in 2011 knowing where I want to get to, what I want to put into my life for me and where I want to take my photography business.

I hope that 2011 brings you everything that you set your heart on.


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