Want Some Free Promotion Just for ReTweeting?

We’re adding new features all the time to help make your experience on CurrentPhotographer.com better. We’ve been testing this one for a while but wanted to make the official announcement. As part of our new features for 2011, we’ve added a plugin called Twitoaster to our website. Twitoaster is a great little plugin that searches through the Twitter stream for Tweets that are connected to our blog posts. When it finds them, they get added to the posts through comments.

Unless you own a super blog like Mashable.com, the days of 50 to 100 comments or more per post are gone. But that doesn’t mean people aren’t reading and commenting, they’re just doing it in differently.

Social networks have changed the way we interact. More conversations are happening on Twitter and Facebook than ever before. If you run a blog I’m sure you’ve noticed a drop in comments over the last year or so. The Twitoaster WordPress plug helps capture the Twitter conversations surrounding your posts and pulls them into your blog. This makes it easy to continue the conversation on the blog and the Tweets are available for everyone to read.

Our Twitter friends are very important to us and play a big role in the success of our website. We appreciate all of your ReTweets and sharing of our posts and wanted to say thanks by giving you a little extra promotion. When the Twitoaster plugin pulls your Tweets into the comments, it also brings your Twitter username and avatar with it. This is important because it gives you added exposure to everyone that reads our posts. We get a lot of traffic to our website and a lot of visits to our archives, so this really increases your chances of connecting with other Twitter users and maybe even getting some new followers at the same time.

So keep ReTweeting and commenting on our blog post Tweets, and we’ll keep promoting you through our comments. It’s a win-win for everyone!

*The Current Photographer website contains links to our affiliate partners. Purchasing products and services through these links helps support our efforts to bring you the quality information you love and there’s no additional cost to you.


  1. Thanks Trevor, this seems like a great program. I really appreciate the fact that you took some time to test it before sharing it. I look forward to some positive results!
    Richie Schwartz
    Pet Photographer