Announcing The Photo Challenge

As part of our new features for 2011, we’re excited to announce the
Monthly Photo Challenge
. Starting February 1, 2011 we’ll be running our own photo contest here on the website. We’ve partnered with some great companies like AdaramaPix, Borrow Lenses, H&H Color Lab and onOne Software, to offer amazing prize packages that you’ll love.

Each Photo Challenge will last for a full month. Starting on the 1st day of the month Contributor
Ana Ramirez will announce the theme through a blog post and will include some examples for inspiration. You’ll have approximately 3 weeks to create and submit your photo and First, Second and Third place winners will be selected during the last week of the month.

Who picks the winners? We wanted everyone to be able to participate in the Photo Challenge even if they didn’t submit a photo. Viewers will have the ability to vote for their favorite photos and even add comments to them. The more votes a photo gets the higher it moves in the rankings. Photos with the most votes will be moved to the first page for our judges and everyone else to see.

Once the submission period has ended, public voting will be turned off and then it moves to our panel of judges. Ana Ramirez, Joseph Cristina are a third rotating judge will then begin the review process. Even though the popular photos will be up front for our judges to see, they will pick the winners from the entire pool of submissions, just in case a gem slipped through the cracks.

First, Second and Third place winners will be announced on the last day of the month and prizes will be sent out shortly after. As an added bonus winners will be given a badge that they can add to their website to show their participation in the Photo Challenge and get some bragging rights at the same time.

We’ve worked hard on this new feature and hope that you really enjoy it. Please help spread the word about our Photo Challenge, the more participation we get the better it is for everyone.

The Photo Challenge is sponsored by:


——————-——————————————–onOne Software Logo

*The Current Photographer website contains links to our affiliate partners. Purchasing products and services through these links helps support our efforts to bring you the quality information you love and there’s no additional cost to you.


  1. Wow, this is really cool Trevor. It’ll be great to see the variety of photographs entered. I have to admit I’d rather judges choose than number of votes as that can get more into a popularity contest than about the images itself, so I am glad that judges will be involved in the final part of the contest. Cool beans.