
Escalate LIVE "Be Boutique" Available on DVD or Direct Download

June 15, 2011PRESS SUMMARY – Escalate LIVE co-producers Kubota Image Tools and Dane Sanders, announced the availability of Escalate LIVE “Be Boutique” in HD video download or DVD format. The three DVD set includes five presentations by successful, respected professional photographers, a lively panel discussion lead by Dane Sanders and intimate tours of two thriving studios. A partnership between Kubota Image Tools, provider of photographer-empowering tools and educational offerings, and renowned educator Dane Sanders, the “Be Boutique” video was captured at the most recent interactive Escalate LIVE workshop.

Escalate LIVE “Be Boutique” is designed to help portrait photographers center their value and brand on their distinctive talents and signature style. The video package features the advice and inspiration of professional portrait photographers Julia Woods, Vicki Taufer, Tamara Lackey and Lori Nordstrom. Julieanne Kost, digital imaging evangelist for Adobe, provides her expertise on portrait workflow to help those following the program to become more efficient.

“Our live events are priceless one-of-a-kind experiences, which transform the businesses of those that attend. This video package takes the most important parts of that experience and delivers it to the home or studio of photographers seeking insight and inspiration these pros offer,” said Sanders. “The workshop sessions, panel discussions and studio tours give aspiring and established photographers access to the best portrait studio minds in the country, and a model for success they can return to over and over again.”

“The variety of styles and talents represented in our panelists shows there is no one right way to be a portrait photographer, but there is a common wisdom that is shared by those that reach this level of success,” said Kevin Kubota, the idea guy for Kubota Image Tools. “Each has created a ‘boutique’ brand that reflects their individuality as value, resulting in more fulfilling photography – for themselves and their clients.”

The DVD series can be ordered today, or downloaded, for $99 via the Escalate LIVE website. The website also offers a sample video, biographies of the speakers and more information about Escalate LIVE.

About Kubota Image Tools
Bend, OR-based Kubota Image Tools (http://www.kubotaimagetools.com) is the source for time-saving and award-winning image-enhancing Photoshop® Actions and Lightroom® Presets and presenters of inspiring international workshops designed to empower professional photographers. The workflow-saving offerings grew from the digital experience of Kevin Kubota who began pioneering the field of completely digital wedding photography in the 1990s.

As the President and Owner of Kubota Photo Design Inc. (http://www.kubotaphotodesign.com), Kevin has been working with Photoshop and as a digital/computer educator since 1993. Kevin shares his experience with other photographers through the award-winning Digital Photography Bootcamp®, which has trained thousands of photographers to make the digital transition while empowering them with improved creative control and proven management practices to drive success. Kevin also presents seminars on digital imaging, workflow and Photoshop techniques for professional photographers for national associations such as WPPI, PPA and many state associations.

As the author of the book Digital Photography Boot Camp: A Step-by-Step Guide for Professionals (now in its second edition), published by Amherst Media, Kevin continues to make his vast experience available to the photographic community through his ever evolving blog (http://www.kevinkubotablog.com).

About Dane Sanders
Dane Sanders has been photographing events and people for almost a decade. He is also the Principal and Head Photographer at KIN Photographic (http://danesanders.com). Over the last 2 years, Dane has spoken to thousands of photographers and boasts several hundred graduates from his Roadshow Workshops that travels throughout North America. Dane presents on business leadership for professional creatives at national associations such as WPPI and PPA here in the US and several other countries around the world. Dane is also the founder of EscalateLIVE.

As the author of the book Fast Track Photographer: Leverage Your Unique Strengths for a More Successful Photography Business as well as the forthcoming Fast Track Photographer Business Plan: Build a Successful Photography Venture from the Ground Up, both published by Random House/Amphoto, Dane continues to look for ways to invest in the photographic community through his writing and teaching around the world.

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