Everyday is Like Christmas with Nikon Lenses and Canon Lenses Apps for iPhone

I am a Nikon shooter, so checking out the Nikon Lenses app from Taggart Gorman is like curling up on the sofa with a Sears Christmas Wishbook when I was a kid. Now imagine one app that shows every Nikon (Nikkor) lens made, which you can sort by aperture, focal length, and price. Imagine that app being free! Add the ability to access the details of the lens, check out some reviews, look at the lens on the Nikon USA web site, and even rent one at BorrowLenses.com.

Screen Shot - Nikon Lenses iPhone App

This is a screen shot from the app.

According to the description in iTunes, lens data is updated on a weekly basis. The app is ad-supported, but the ads are at the bottom of each screen and unobtrusive. I would guess that BorrowLenses.com might have an economic interest in this as well. At any rate, this app serves as a helpful reference and will stay on my iPhone for a long time.

And Canon shooters take heart. There’s an app for that too. Check out Canon Lenses and Nikon Lenses for free on iTunes. So can we expect equivalent apps for Tamron and Sigma lenses? I sure hope so!

All the best…Mike

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  1. Android app please!!!!!!!!!!!!! for the Samsung Epic!!!!!!! i would love to have my on the go drool list with me lol All i do is look at the canon site for the specs when choosing a new lens.

    Matt Goslee
    Matthew Thomas Photography.

    • The drool list. I like that! LOL. Maybe they’ll do the Android version for you and the Tamron and Sigma app for me. I really like the simplicity of the app and the ability to sort through the lenses. For instance today at lunch a friend was talking about his wife wanting a longer zoom. I was able to show him Nikon’s offerings sorted by price. Thanks for the comment. I hope you find these articles useful.

    • I have heard your cries! There are now Android versions of my Nikon and Canon apps! Check the Android Market.


      (And yes, Mike, I’m considering a Sigma app, too.)