Hyper Alerts Delivers Facebook Page Notifications for Free!

I stumbled across this new FREE web service on Social Media Examiner called Hyper Alerts. If you run your own Facebook Business Page or you manage multiple Facebook Pages this service is for you.

Comments and wall posts are very important to the success of any Facebook Page. Community interaction is key, but unless you spend every hour of every day on your page clicking the refresh button, you don’t always know when these updates come in. As a Page administrator or moderator, it’s your job to interact with these fans to keep the communication going.

Facebook intentionally left out the ability for Page admins to receive these notifications because it could potentially bog down their servers. Think about a Page that has several hundred thousand fans. If they were actively contributing to that Page there could be hundreds or thousands of notifications that would need to be sent daily. Multiply that by the number of large Business Pages out there and… well you get the idea.

A new web service called Hyper Alerts has created a solution to this problem. They scan you Facebook Page looking for updates and when they find them, email you a digest at what ever time interval you select.

Hyper Alerts is in public beta so they are probably testing their system to see if it can handle the flow of notifications and to work all the bugs out. I would suggest signing up now while the service is still Free. Simply visit the Hyper Alerts website and click the Create new account button. Fill in your email address and create a password, that’s it.

Now you need to add your Facebook page to your account. Click the Add new alert button and fill in the url of your Facebook Page.

Once your Page has been added you need to make a few selections about how often you want the updates delivered, and what updates you want to receive, Posts, Comments and Own Content. Then click Save and you’re done.

Now check you email inbox for your Hyper Alerts report and respond to your community quickly.

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