What??? An Inflatable Photo Studio???

Jan 31, 2011PRESS SUMMARY – On October 19, 2010, buzz of a new product hit major websites across the Internet; from Gizmodo, Wired, and CNET, to a Belgium business magazine. No press release or announcements were sent out. The Discovery Channel wanted to highlight it in their “High Tech Toys Week.” A small amateur website littered with bugs had been put up by the inventor of his Inflatable Photo Studio, not expecting anyone to pay attention. Amateur photographers now had a tool to compete with the pros. The site was quickly pulled down due to overwhelming international requests and patented it internationally.

June 2010, Brian Hedenberg, a professional photographer in New York City, was struggling with the need for a studio but could not afford New York rental prices. Using simple physics he built a prototype, inflated it outside, and started shooting. After photographing several models from some of the top agencies in New York, other local photographers caught wind of Brian’s new gadget and asked him to make them one as well. By October the buzz was unstoppable. For the last three months, Brian has been working with plastics companies and manufacturers to find ways to make his Inflatable Photo Studio more durable, compact, and most importantly, affordable.

Inflated with 7700 cubic feet of air per minute, the 4ft x 2ft x 2ft unit expands in 3 minutes to 20ft long x 15ft wide x 15ft high. There are 6 wind stakes around the bottom and wind ties at each corner. The 24-inch drum fan, which is included, is extremely quiet and causes little to no draft inside the IPS. Completely light blocking, there is more than enough space to set up a studio environment and have complete control of the lighting. Concerns of wind, fire, power failure, and other safety issues are all covered on the website.

The IPS is rapidly expanding into several additional concepts like VIP lounges for sporting events and weddings. The new site launched Wednesday, January 26, 2011. Introductory prices offered until February 15. IPS can only be shipped in the continental US. International distribution expected Summer 2011.

This spring, Brian plans to release an inflatable chroma-studio that gives indi filmmakers, video companies, and news crews instant access to green screens in minutes. He’s also designing practical applications for impoverished countries, which he intends to give away.

Check out the Inflatable Photo Studio website for more information and to order.

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  1. RT @TrevorCurrent: Have you seen this? It’s an inflatable photo studio to go! It’s like a kids bounce house but for photographers. http: …

  2. I actually got one a couple of weeks ago. Its nothing like a bouncy house. A lot of people have made jokes but i’m actually finding it invaluable. I’ve gotten three photographers send me work because they had no where to shoot with the crappy weather we’ve been having. This thing is fantastic.