Know Your Rights with Photographer’s Rights App for iPhone

Have you ever been out away from home and wondered about the laws and customs in the country in which you are visiting? Perhaps you want the quick and dirty facts on copyright laws? Or maybe you need to know how to ask in Japanese if you may take a photograph? Fear not. There is an app for that!

The Photographer’s Rights iPhone and iPad app by Pietro Zuco provides the user with a wealth of information. The main menu includes links for Countries, Your Rights, Copyright, Privacy, Contracts, Questions, and Info. Digging deeper, the user will find specific rules and laws regarding photographing in public places and private places in specific countries. It tells you what you can and cannot photograph. It provides tips related to your conduct, your looks, and dealing with police or security. The app also contains a number of model and property/location releases.

I am neither an attorney nor a travel expert so I cannot validate all the content of this app. I can, however, tell you that it is put together well and is a convenient reference. This is one that I will have on my iPhone for a long time.

Did I mention it is free? So while I still do not know how to ask in Japanese if I can take a photo I do have a button that I can push that will ask the question for me. Check this one out!

All the best…


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