Label Your Photos with Pizazz with Labelbox iPhone App!

Do you sometimes want to add a label to your photos? Do you want that label to have some pizazz? Then Labelbox app is for you. This is one of those apps that doesn’t require much of a learning curve. It is both simple and effective.

All you do is follow the instructions on the start-up screen. First, take or load a photo. Then swipe your finger to apply the tape and type your message. You can hold the tape to remove or shake to clear all.

There are lots of cool options, from the classic label maker look in red and black to something called blossom and steply blue. My favorite is masking tape. There are twelve free options and four premium options.

What can you say? This is just a good utilitarian application that is fun to use. Be sure to check it out.

All the best…Mike

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